Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Health Care and Politics

There is a major disconnect in this country in how much people have to pay for health coverage.  It also impacts the care they receive.

As far as most countries go we are unique in our approach, if you want to call it that.

Most civilized countries recognize that health care is a fundamental right that the Government has an obligation to provide.

We don't.

Not sure if that is a question of our civilized status or simply the fact that we have let wealthy people dictate how the Government behaves.

Even in countries where there were or still are monarchies, the privileged classes long ago lost the fight to control the Government.  Yes there are still conservative parties, but only in this country do we feel that you have to be deserving to get care.

Our politicians are for sale because of the way we conduct elections. 

To run a successful campaign you need money, in some cases a lot of it, and the people who are most likely to help have a lot of it.

So you have to present your issues in a way that is acceptable to them if you hope to get a donation.

Of course even among wealthy people you have certain differences of opinion.

Still, the idea of universal health care and higher taxes to pay for it isn't on most of their lists.

In many ways we have a country where people have learned to blame each other for problems instead of the Government.

So we complain about poor people who get free health care instead of demanding we all get similar coverage. 

Its a sign of success to have a job that pays good benefits now, which is really a sad statement since aren't we all entitled to at least good health care?

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