Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Movement

Movements are funny things, sometimes they spring up and gain momentum and other times they simply die out.

Its still too early to tell whether the movement about the assault rifles and the power of the NRA will have the legs to make something happen.

It has to show itself not only in the current confrontations but at the place where we actually have the power to force change, the ballot box.

Americans, by and large, have been fairly tolerant of the right to own guns.  Yes it is protected in the constitution, but of course at one time, so was slavery.

A common sense solution can be had within the framework of the constitution, but if the NRA and gun lobby insists of requiring a new amendment, then so be it.

The constitution itself provides the requirements for changing it since our founding fathers didn't think they were the only ones who knew what was best.

The right to bear arms was important in the early days of the nation and the revolution actually started when the British march to seize arms in Massachusetts.

Of course, I'm not aware of anyone who wants to eliminate the right, only to make sure that we have responsible rules in place to avoid senseless tragedy.

The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is also a fundamental concept in this nation and getting gunned down in a school or at a concert is not conducive to those rights.

Lets use common sense.

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