Friday, February 2, 2018

Trickle Down or Crumbs, Whats the Difference?

The whole republican agenda is based on the theory of trickle down economics, encourage the entrepreneurs and everyone eventually benefits.

We know the recent tax law provided significantly more benefits to business and wealthy people, and reduced and temporary benefits to the rest of us.

It is also going to significantly increase the deficit unless fairly massive cuts are made to entitlement programs.

I would be curious with the attacks on health coverage we have already seen and the likely rise in premiums if paychecks will even go up as the tax savings meet the health insurance increases.

I'm sure it varies person to person and company to company, and some will opt for less coverage but this isn't a feast.

It is more like the crumbs referred to by the democratic minority leader.

The tax law wasn't based on being fair, and any reductions it made will have to be paid for by taxpayers either in lost benefits or increased national debt.

These are the sort of policies that eventually lead to a recession, as you see the present increase traded for future payments.

We saw this with the artificial housing boom that led to the financial crisis we haven't fully recovered from as we pursued a republican agenda of creating more homeowners.

Its the same type of faulty math they like to use all the time, not understanding how the character  of the person is more important than what they own or have.

Hey crumbs can be tasty, better than the sort of stuff that might trickle down in this administration.

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