Friday, February 16, 2018

Nightmares are Dreams too.

Its a pretty simple solution for the children who were brought here by undocumented parents and grew up as Americans, let us continue to live our American lives.

In some cases they may have a sibling who is one or two years younger than they are who born here is a citizen while they are in danger of being deported to a country they don't remember and don't know.

Using them as a political football, as the dotard is trying, to get people who actually care about fairness shows a clear lack of simple human decency.

His other proposals related to building a wall, ending chain migration or the lottery are neither necessary or desirable and are preventing the dreamers from being treated fairly.

Deciding that you can use these people as hostages is simply wrong, but of course ideas of right and wrong aren't very common in the white house now a days.

Will a solution be found?

It doesn't seem likely unless it is in the courts, but ultimately I think that is a dead end.

Perhaps after the mid-terms we would have a better chance if enough people get out and vote.

Still, there is the dotard to deal with and he has three more years.

Three more years.

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