Wednesday, February 7, 2018


It actually looks like the congress may have decided to conduct business in a logical way, do what you can agree on and tackle the more contentious issues later.

Of course out contentious dotard isn't happy with that and still wants to threaten to take his ball and go home.

News reports indicate that a two year spending bill which is effectively clean has bilateral support and would leave the contentious issues for another day.

A spending bill is simply supposed to provide the funds to run day to day operations, and while some elements of how you spend the money are contentious, those should be worked out in the appropriation and authorization bills.

It allows for an orderly process and it was fairly radical when it was decided to hold it hostage to certain demands back in the Clinton presidency.

It didn't work but the republicans tried it again in 2013, once again unsuccessfully and then we saw the one real day shut down over the dreamers as the democrats gave it a shot.

Its not a good tactic since, well it hasn't worked yet.

Its hard to argue that shutting down everything is a worthwhile strategy to get a particular issue.

Also, if the issue is so contentious, its very unlikely that the other side would simply capitulate and give in.

The dotard continues to bluster and say he needs his demands met but I think he has in fact become more of a comedy routine than anything.

He has people cheering him on but not sure too many really want to be riding his coattails at this point.

He may take off the coat.

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