Sunday, February 18, 2018

FBI Behavior

The dotard doesn't seem to understand that an organization like the FBI can assign people to multiple investigations.

The people who would have followed the lead about the shooter in Florida were not working on the investigation into Russian election tampering.  most likely they were reviewing other tips and leads about terrorism.

If anything caused them to make a mistake here, and I don't know anything about the investigation for sure, it might have been the racial profiling where a tip about a Muslim shooter would probably have received a lot of attention.

This was a tip about disturbed American high school student who had committed no crime, until he did.

I see NRA trolls, like the dotard, acting as if the kids behavior should have led to some sort of action.

What would that have been?

Would we have arrested him when he had committed no crime, belonged to no terrorist group or shot anyone?

Of course not, we are not going to start incarcerating troubled teenagers, we wouldn't have the space.

What would make sense is making sure people who buy guns are in fact stable.

What would make even more sense would be to make sure assault rifles are difficult to obtain without some extensive background checks, if at all.

Hey I understand some people like to shoot these things, but responsible gun owners shouldn't object to greater background checks based on the potential lethality of the weapon.

We don't let just anyone drive a gigantic truck, you have to get qualified.

They are dangerous.

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