Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Blame Game

We have an administration led by a person who tends to say the first thing that pops into his mind.  Often this is not exactly truthful, but once he says it he tries to defend it.

When some of the statements become indefensible he needs to find someone to blame, often the person who was supposed to explain his way out of it.

Of course you also see that the people he surrounds himself with are often uniquely unqualified for the roles they occupy.

All of this adds up to a constantly changing cast of characters who realize that the positions they hold are extremely precarious.

This has led to the chaotic atmosphere there as players try to determine if they will survive, or even if they want to stay.

Of course the dotard in charge takes no responsibility for the situation, blaming almost everyone else.

This plays to some extent with some of his base but what happens is, as time passes and they think he will be proven right, he isn't.

This leads to certain elements of his base realizing they have been believing a liar and a hypocrite, who isn't really going to solve all problems "so quickly".

He isn't actually solving any, and as even his recent budget acknowledges he is making some things, like the deficit and the debt much worse.
Of course like it or not the show is scheduled to run for another three years, although the supporting cast can change in November.

Maybe this will make more people aware of the need for good government?

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