Monday, February 12, 2018

America Manipulated

Many of the issues facing this country are pretty straightforward.  Further most Americans are pretty much on the same side.

Improve infrastructure, good thing.

Strong defense, good thing.

Social fairness, good thing.

Affordable health care, good thing.

Better education, good thing.

Cleaner air and water, good thing.

Now a few social issues such as abortion and LGBT rights do break down into pretty contentious sides but the question is why are those even political issues?

To the extent these views are based on religious beliefs they really should be a matter of conscience not laws.

Still on the other issues we have certain special interests (wealthy individuals) who work hard to sway public opinion.

Generally they are opposed to paying taxes and possibly believe it will lead to a social welfare state.

They have poured billions of dollars into campaigns and to a fairly large extent have executed a sound strategy of controlling State government that can adjust congressional districts.

They have also been aided by the popularity of media owned by one of their fellow travelers.

Of course as I have said often, our system of primaries allows this to happen because candidates and ultimate winners can be determined with very small participation.  Further they do everything they can to disenfranchise people who don't agree with them.

The system needs to be fixed, not just readjusted.

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