Thursday, February 22, 2018

Arming Teachers?

I have a great amount of respect for most teachers, but I don't know many I would give a gun to.

Some of course might be suitable but are we then asking them in the event of a mass shooting to engage?

Will they be given assault rifles and as they leave the classroom to engage in warfare what about the students left behind?

There is a no reason to think that arming teachers will result in anything except perhaps more suicides or possible shooting of students after a particularly bad day.

In certain cases being armed can certainly deter certain criminal activities, say if you feel threatened in a situation and let the aggressor know you are armed.

However most acts of violence are not all that logical and in many cases the perpetrator expects to die.

Where not talking about crimes for profit when you have a mass shooting at a school or a concert, you are talking about a deranged individual heavily armed who can cause tremendous damage in a very short time, even if he is eventually killed.

Outgunned teachers and civilians is a NRA ploy which would of course increase gun sales.

Besides that it is likely to result in more gun incidents.

Let's talk about real solutions.

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