Wednesday, February 21, 2018

So is it Enough?

Senseless shooting after senseless shooting including what seems like a spate of mass shooting using assault rifles may have finally had an impact.

Not on everyone, we still have those who think more guns is the answer, that arming people who really don't want to be armed would somehow lead to less violence.

More deadly weaponry in the hands of untrained and unwilling users, sure that's the ticket.

Responsible people with responsible guns is the best solution, so first make sure the buyers are up to the responsibility of gun ownership and make sure the guns are also reasonable.

Some guns are so deadly that the requirements to buy them should be very stringent.

You have to pass a driving test to drive and while driving isn't in an amendment to the constitution, reasonable requirements should be acceptable to all.

Let's agree guns by themselves don't kill people, so the people who buy the guns need to be checked.

Its time to protect the innocent who are normally the victims here.

Haven't we had enough?

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