Friday, February 9, 2018

Get to Work

This brinkmanship that the congress
Its a result of how everything becomes a partisan issue.

So if you get a deal done before the deadline, maybe you gave away too much.

So play a game of legislative chicken and hope the other side blinks.

Of course they won't either so we get right to the deadline, almost every time.

Of course may trying to decide what's in the best interest of the people of this country doesn't have to be so partisan?

Maybe they could decide funding the Government is something that almost everyone is in favor of?

Maybe they could decide that hardly anyone wants to deport Americans who were brought to this country as children but who grew up in our great land?

Maybe they could address the best way to make Social Security and Medicare financially secure?

Maybe ...  well that list can go on and on.

Work for America, that would be great.

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