Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Economic Change

The world we live in is in many ways already a world of the future compared to how things were even 50 years ago.

We carry phones that are more powerful than any computers available at one time.

We have pretty much instant everything, from entertainment to shopping to even companionship.

We have household assistants that respond to our voice commands and can complete certain tasks for us.

Many of us are able to work remotely have a small carbon footprint and be environmentally aware.

Of course this isn't universal and we still have many people who are living without all those amenities.

Unable to get a decent job, working multiple jobs and seeing little hope for the future.

This division has in many ways defined things like our politics and attitudes in this country.

The major metropolitan areas have benefitted the most from new technology while areas where manufacturing or farming dominated local life have had their struggles.

Both of those industries have in fact gotten more efficient and are creating less jobs.

This is economically a good thing but something that isn't creating as many opportunities as in the past.

This isn't of course the first time we saw this phenomena, it happens every time there is a major change in our economics.

It will of course even out over time and we may see a bit of that already, but that is small comfort to those struggling now.

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