Monday, February 5, 2018

Good Game, So-So Ads

We got to see a game with end to end action and as it should be the ads were simply in the way.

Of course they cost a lot and of all of them I think the one for tide was the most clever, but when the game is as good as this one is, who cares?

Understanding of course that a lot of people who are only super bowl party fans got to see this, it may have swayed some of them to be more interested in the football.

The game set lots of offensive records and then had the surprise twist in the fourth quarter where the Eagles actually derailed the expected Brady comeback.

Congrats to the Eagles on a great performance although you have to wonder how two teams which have been know for their defense were unable to make any notable stops, except for that last one.

Also a very gutsy call to go for the TD at the end of the first half, it certainly paid off in the end but imagine the risk the coach took if it had failed.

Of course it was the same call, good or bad and for once the risky choice was rewarded.

We have determined one thing for sure.

Foles is a better receiver than Brady.

Nice to see an NFC East team beat the Patriots again, even if it was the wrong one.

Congrats Eagles!

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