Saturday, February 17, 2018

Racism on Fox

Some commentator on Fox apparently felt the need to try and suppress freedom of speech by black athletes by commenting that LeBron James should shut up and dribble.

Ignoring the fact that dribbling is probably the least important aspect of his game, why would some one presume that he isn't entitled to an opinion.

Of course everyone is entitled to an opinion and when you decide you have the right to tell someone to do x and shut up you reveal the fact that you yourself should maybe self censor a bit.

I really have no idea who this women is and I don't want to know.  Fox can decide who they want to employ and based on those decisions I long ago realized it is simply not worth watching.

This attitude they have is pervasive where they not only spread disinformation they try to accuse those who don't agree with them of being, well it varies from unpatriotic to ill-informed with many nuances in between.

Its particularly noticeable when they are disparaging minorities or other nationalities.

They cater to a certain audience and they may squeeze in a reasonable argument now and again, but watching Fox is simply not worth the effort.

Of course they have the right to air their drivel, we have the right to ignore it.

LeBron has the right to talk and dribble and shoot and pass and be a person of character as he is.

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