Sunday, February 4, 2018

Non Partisan Government

If you think about Government and politics you realize the two are very different.

Politics is about getting elected.

Government is about enforcing the laws.

Both have always existed in most societies but we see our current administration confusing the two.

Government in this country has been, to the extent possible non-political.

Laws were passed prohibiting Federal Workers from participating in political activities.

Of course there was a time when patronage and political party affiliation were more of a factor.

That is why the laws were passed.

Government continues on no matter who is elected although to the extent laws change the implementation changes.

You hear talk about the deep state which is simply a way to talk about the bureaucracy which exist in all Governments.  You could also call it the civil service.

It isn't partisan although of course individuals in it have political views.

We now see the dotard and his ilk deciding that if you aren't partisan for me you are partisan for them.

This ignores the tradition in this country of a Government which is neither.

Getting elected doesn't change the Government, passing laws does.

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