Friday, February 23, 2018


A day that doesn't include dozens of teenagers being gunned down by an assault rifle is by today's standards a good day.

It appears that the armed deputy at the school delayed engaging and has been dismissed.  I don't want to judge him without the facts and of course we will never know if the outcome would have been different, but this is part of the problem with arming people at schools.

You can't be sure how they will react.

I suspect he was assigned a well to do school in a safe district and on a regular basis was thankful for how quiet his job was.

Then one day hell breaks loose.

Why didn't he engage immediately?  Was he waiting for backup?  Was he just taken aback?

I guess we may get some of these answers as time goes by, but we know having an armed police deputy there didn't make a difference.

Maybe it could have, but I know that if the attacker didn't have an assault rifle it would have.

Even if he had an assault knife.

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