Tuesday, February 13, 2018

White House Budget

While the document itself is, as they say, dead on arrival, you wonder what they were trying to accomplish as they attack programs greatly supported by most Americans.

It does reveal their true colors and while most of it won't happen it coincidentally contradicts the spending bill he just signed that increases domestic programs.

Of course we know that what is going on is pretty chaotic where multiple agendas are at work.  The complete lack of coordination and involvement by the dotard is pretty well documented.

He doesn't read long documents, can't focus for long and just wants to play a lot of golf and have military parades.

What comes out of there is hardly reviewed by him except to hear the parts like it includes a wall and increases defense spending.

I wouldn't be surprised if he were to contradict some of the very things it contains in the near future.

To a large extent he has become a blustering sideshow, who spends little time doing his job between watching TV and golfing.

Maybe that is ultimately for the best.

Time will see.

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