Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday and More Rambling

Being in Texas I get to see ads for politicians that generally strike me as a bit odd.  One of the ads features a candidate that claims to be a principled conservative who then proceeds to tell about the last administrations policies.

Makes you wonder what principled means in that context.

Of course its hard to determine what a conservative stands for anymore.

Bigger deficits?

More sexual abuse?

Less diversity?

Less health coverage?

They do want to reward they're wealthy donors, so guess that is consistent.

In some ways I would have been considered a conservative not so long ago since I believe in fiscally responsible and principled Government.

I also believe that the Government shouldn't impinge on individual liberty or anyone's pursuit of happiness.

Of course those things seem to now define me as a liberal or a progressive.

I can live with that.

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