Thursday, February 15, 2018

Another Mass Shooting

Well the NRA has struck again resulting in 17 dead.

The NRA didn't pull the trigger, a demented person did, but we make it so easy for them to get guns because of the NRA.

The suspect was an expelled student and while his motive hasn't been determined I venture to guess that he was frustrated at being disciplined and decided to act out.

The fact that what isn't that unusual in a teenager was accompanied by so much bloodshed is a function of how available assault rifles are in much of this country.

Will this event lead to any changes?

The odds are against it, especially since soon the trolls of the NRA will deny it ever happened.

In addition to the agony families face from losing a loved one, they soon will be attacked as being paid to lie and pretend a mass shooting happened.

Its of course morally reprehensible that this happens, but it follows each tragedy now a days as the pro gun people go into denial mode.

My heart goes out to the families of the victims and to all who suffered.

I would like to think that enough is enough but we will hear the same old scripts from the gun apologists and paid politicians and they will say this is no time for politics because of the tragedy.

Isn't it a time for some public safety?

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