Thursday, March 1, 2018

Keep On

We saw something yesterday that many felt was inevitable but it was still a bit unexpected, the dotard turning on his base.

Of course he did a similar thing a while back when he sided with the Democrats on a spending bill but yesterday's comments about gun control are more significant.

He may soon tweet that it was all fake news or he may not, time will tell.

He seems to have sensed that the outrage over the last mass shooting has reached a level that can't be ignored.

His party's representatives are too beholden to the NRA contributions to go along willingly, but with mid-terms getting closer and outrage continuing, maybe getting re-elected this time will require some sort of action.

Of course being a dotard, his solution would violate due process, and you can't do it in reverse.

You can of course change certain requirements for gun ownership in the first place and ban guns from certain areas.

These are discussion that need to take place and maybe some will now.

However for those who won't consider common sense solutions, the pressure needs to remain high.

Taking money from the NRA is very close to taking lives because you fail to do what needs to be done.

This is simply negligence of elected representatives who need to be identified and held accountable.

Its time.

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