Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lying or Delusional

Whenever the dotard gives  speech the fact checkers point out all the lies, but is it a lie if you actually believe what you're saying?

I'm pretty convinced that he really believes most of the things he says (although he also lies a lot) because his megalomania convinces him that his version of the facts are true.

Of course he gets some ammunition from the silly news he watches on cable. but when he says that he won the popular vote despite all evidence to the contrary he actually believes it.

Unfortunately he is the only delusional person around.

Too many people are willing to ignore reality for their own version.

Politics don't change facts, and even if Al Gore is championing climate change, it doesn't make it political.

We live in a world where things that would have been absolute miracles are now commonplace with airplanes, instant communications, space exploration, computers everywhere, etc. etc.

This was because of science.

People who use the results of these wonderful inventions then question the scientific validity of scientific experiments.

Its OK to have some skepticism, but to simply ignore or deny repeatable experiments that prove a theory is, well insane.

Similarly we have people who actually believe the mass shootings were all staged as part of the gun control agenda.  Really?  If the entire Government and Media was working together they would have already taken all the guns.

No one, or at least almost no one, wants to take everyone's guns, they want to use common sense safeguards to prevent these massacres that keep happening.

They are very real and denying them and harassing the survivors is dastardly.

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