Saturday, March 17, 2018

Political Scandals?

Well hopefully he has legal recourse but the firing of the deputy director of the FBI 2 days before his pension eligibility is pretty despicable, especially since the charges didn't include anything that hinted at illegal behavior.

The civil service in this country is not supposed to be about politics, although of course people who work for the Government have individual views.  They are required to do their jobs despite any political beliefs and generally that is one of the strengths of our system.

We see accusations about a bias and the so called deep state but lets be clear, I've never seen any legitimate examples of such a bias although I have seen certain impartial decisions second guessed.

In the normal course of events decision will be made that one side or the other may not like.  It doesn't make it political, it just makes it a decision.

Take the "scandal" surrounding the IRS looking into conservative applications for tax exempt status a few years ago.  One thing about trying to detect "scams" is that they tend to use keywords that are popular at a particular point in time.  Now its almost definitely true that many of the people trying to get tax exempt status were and are political by their nature and to weed these out you will identify certain attributes.  In the link below it turns out that both conservative and liberal groups got extra scrutiny, as they probably should have based on such usage.

IRS scandal

The thing about unfounded accusations, they are often wrong, although the accusations tend to be remembered and the facts not so much.

The people making false allegations know this which is why is remains such a popular tactic.

They know the public's attention span is limited, so first impressions are sometimes lasting ones.

Crying wolf does of course eventually have its limits.  At least that's how the story goes.

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