Saturday, March 24, 2018

Free Trade

Investors know that a trade war is going to hurt many more companies than it will ever help.

If it helps any at all.

The reaction this week on wall street demonstrates the initial reaction, which is as most things are, an overreaction, but still its simply not a good thing.

America needs to have open markets so it can continue to be a leader in cutting edge technology and innovation.

Having any trade war is bad, but a trade war with a country that has the most consumers in the world is particularly bad.

We are still the largest economy in the world but as China and the rest of Asia continue to develop, they have massive numbers of consumers to buy our products.

Will they?

Well if we can be competitive and have access to those markets.

To the extent we are prevented from selling in those countries we obviously aren't going to be an option for those consumers.

Can we compete?

It becomes our job to figure that out but if we proceed down a path of trade barriers and withdrawing from trade agreements, we won't be able to.

Free enterprise and American ingenuity need a chance to excel, not a protective barrier hat ultimately confines them.

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