Friday, March 30, 2018

Young Guns

Well, we can now say that Hope has left the White House.

Of course that refers to Hope Hicks who seems to have played a pretty important role there despite her young age.

Being young is hardly an impediment to doing something good.

I saw a list of how young many of our founding fathers were when they wrote the constitution and being young wasn't an impediment.

It may account for some of the idealism we see in it.

Some people have attacked the students speaking out against gun violence as being young.  Pretty sure not getting shot is important at any age.

I'm not aware that anyone is attacking responsible gun ownership, although the NRA likes to say it is under attack.

Most supporters of gun rights ignore the fact that the second amendment starts by saying a "well regulated Militia".  The right to bear arms seems pretty clearly related to this, being in the same amendment and all and I wonder if all gun owners are ready to be called into action as a "well regulated" militia?

Of course the end of the amendment says the right shall not be infringed and that has led to our current situation.

If we adopt the "not be infringed" it is hard to accept any restrictions as appropriate.  It is hard to believe that the founding fathers expected it to be so broadly interpreted, they didn't want to arm slaves or most women.

Should a dangerous mentally ill person be allowed to have a gun?

If "not be infringed" is interpreted in a common sense way, meaning it means unreasonable infringement, than we should be able to agree on what is reasonable.

Since we have a number of Supreme Court cases already that accepted reasonable gun restrictions, we seem to be past that hurdle.

Lets try to use some common sense.

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