Monday, March 12, 2018

Fools Rush In

If you never moved your clocks back last fall, the world has now caught up to you.

We used to say that even stopped clocks were right twice a day, but in the digital age they either blink or go dark so it seems like the accuracy of broken clocks is way down.

It seems though that Americans are getting scammed in ever greater numbers, even if you ignore politics.

First, strangers have not picked you out to give you a great opportunity or enter you into a lottery which you have mysteriously won.

We could use a little healthy skepticism.

When I get a call from someone who tells me not to hang up, I hang up.

I gather that is the appropriate thing to do based on the warning.

I remember at one time being a bit intrigued by the three card monte scam artists I used to pass on the way to work years ago, they seemed easy to beat.

They weren't, it was and is a total scam, but it was a pretty successful one as the shill seemed to win so easily and who couldn't use an extra $20 or so?

My skepticism saved me a few dollars despite the show they put on to convince me I could win.

Now a days, some of the scams are more interested in your information than your $20.

Of course our scamming politicians are just interested in your vote.

Procrastination can be a good thing if you take time to get the facts.

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