Monday, March 5, 2018

In Like a Lion

There's an old saying that if March come in like a lion it goes out like a lamb or vice versa.

We have certainly had an interesting start to March both weather wise and politics wise.

We see a possible trade war erupting, designed to appeal to a disaffected group of voters who unfortunately won't benefit from it.

One of the things that American voters, at least a fairly large number of them want, is something different.

They blame Government for the changes in our society that we have seen in the last 50 years, even though Government is not the cause and certainly not the cure.

In fact most of those changes are good changes, although of course that can be debated in some cases.

Increase in globalization results in cheaper prices which benefits the most.

Yes it results in some economic disruption, change always does and if you are on the short end you're not going to like it.

It isn't however something that can be fixed.  Economics grinds on and when you ignore the trends you are ultimately the one who suffers.

It seems like we have decided to start fighting a losing battle, and the consequences aren't going to be good for the country as economic activity will slow and jobs will be lost.

This lion may be a weather lamb by the end of the month, but the politics won't be any time soon.

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