Monday, March 26, 2018


Not sure what the consequences will be, but is there anyone out there who doesn't believe the Stormy Daniels account?

She was entirely credible and if the story wasn't true why did they give her $130,000?

I suppose the fact that it was consensual is relevant but it certainly goes to the character of the man who is our president.

The point is that it was clear all along that he never cared about any of his marriage vows and we have him on tape talking about the advantages of being a celebrity.

So this is no surprise and neither are any of the other stories.

I'm sure some of his supporters will cheer this type of behavior on, after all its mostly an boys network where women are considered sort of like action figures.

Of course they also get to vote as do those hypocritical evangelicals who talk about sinners going to hell, but so do hypocrites.

The defenders of this behavior will argue they do it because of the policies he represents as a republican.

Spend more, tax less and increase the deficit.

Arrest lots of innocent people, execute drug dealers and break up hard working immigrant families.

Impose tariffs, attack our allies and support ruthless dictators.

Guess its a new agenda?

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