Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Election Energy

There are still seven months before the mid-term elections and that is a lot of time in the world of politics.

One of the keys to victory in the last presidential election was the dislike many Americans had for both candidates.  Of course the next election isn't a presidential one, but the actual president is still disliked and he isn't able to offset that with his opponent.

The republicans will try to act like this is still a personality contest and bring up targets like Hillary or Nancy Pelosi, but that well may not be deep enough to get much water anymore.

The people energized by that are already clearly voting a certain way and since they aren't actually on ballots, except in Pelosi's district you can't energize people to vote against them.

Of course neither is they're guy but he is continuing to be in the news every day and not generally in a favorable way.

We also are seeing some cracks in the economy as interest rates rise and the deficit increases.

Those tax cuts aren't changing a lot of lives and those miners and factory workers are pretty much exactly the same.

The group energized right now would indicate a big change in congress after the election, but seven months is a long time.

Time will tell.

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