Thursday, March 8, 2018


Maybe one good thing may come out of the current divisiveness in our society and politics, more voter participation.

In the Texas primaries this week we saw a couple of things, but maybe the most impressive were the record turnout in both parties.

The worst thing is the apathy we see so much of. It has allowed fringe candidates more opportunity to impact results but also allows the political machines to have undue influence.

Those two things may seem contradictory but most of the time apathy allows the primaries to be dominated by the party regulars.

The exception to that is when a fringe candidate energizes a base and defeats them.

In neither case is the public well represented.

Participation is the only way to get our Government to reflect our shared goals and ideals, as least our majority ones.

We are all concerned about the same things and our Government should be focused on the right ones, not these hot button issues that appease a strong lobby.

Voting is the cure to a lot of things wrong with this country.

Its something we all can do.

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