Friday, March 16, 2018


More shake ups at the White House, ho hum.

Its hardly news anymore.

This is the most dysfunctional administration I can remember, but once again, that's old news by now.

In a speech designed to get a republican elected the dotard touted how he is bringing steel and coal back.  Good luck with that, the tariffs wont do it, the increased costs will be simply passed along.

Free trade has always been more a republican thing than a democratic one.

Yes on a national level some democratic politicians went along with them, but they were historically and currently more of a thing big business wanted and therefore what republicans wanted.

Democrats sided with the unions and working class trying to keep jobs in this country.

That "Look for the Union Label Campaign" was really a democratic and union thing when it meant something.

Republicans have attacked unions, convincing a certain number of workers that unions are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

The result of that is that business doesn't have to include workers in any decisions they make that impact those workers.

Certainly some unions had issues related to pension and associations, but they were the only group that actually represented workers.

Unions tend to support democratic candidates because they realize who has real worker economic interests at heart.

Republicans like to wave flags and talk about non economic issues while empowering companies to export jobs and cut wages.

The outcome of this is that while jobs are plentiful generally, they aren't the good paying jobs that working class Americans depended on.

Those jobs are now gone mostly, and they ain't coming back.

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