Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Our Democracy in Trouble

One of the things about politics is that it is really a popularity contest in a democratic society.

This is one of the reasons ancient democracies tended to fail.

Promises made to the masses were more persuasive than smart choices.

For example, common sense would tell you that a rich country like ours shouldn't be running the deficit it is, especially when the economy is doing well.

However getting elected on a platform of austerity is pretty unlikely so we have tax cuts and increased spending.

This has always been the way and ultimately in the ancient world, bad leadership voted in by the mob eventually led to situations requiring a strong man to resolve.

So watching our current situation makes you wonder is our democracy doomed?

Probably, just when is the question?

We are starting to see the trappings of megalomania at the top as large rallies and desired military parades become the norm.

Of course the dotard is not talented or liked enough to pull off a coup.

However, he may have set a trend.

It isn't likely to happen very soon, but as Government becomes more inept and corrupt and the economy starts to crumble, we may very well be clamoring for a savior.

It is certainly possible.

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