Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Odds and Ends

Chance for negotiations with North Korea but I have my doubt that anything will develop out of that considering the fundamental impediments.  Still talking is better than shooting.

The Florida senate has passed a gun law raising age limits for some purchases.  Its better than nothing.

Still waiting to see how we impose tariffs, if we even do as there seems to be some wavering on them.

Talks continue on NAFTA but not sure much progress is being made.

The fact that people who work for or used to work for the dotard's campaign say inconsistent and crazy things is sort of normal now.

How many indictments has the special prosecutor issued?  Can you imagine the outrage from Fox news if this was Obama?

So far no indictments for Hillary, and I predict there won't be any.

Stock market has retreated from its highs but seems to be in the midst of making up its mind.  Could go either way now.

I feel pretty confident we will have a Trump recession and it could be a really bad one.  Just not sure when.

We have an inexperience driver on a major highway.  The outcome is pretty certain, just the timing is the question.

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