Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Close One

It looks like the election in Pennsylvania for the vacated house seat is going to be won by the Democratic candidate.

Its still pretty close but at this point its looking likely.

Couple of points to be made here.

The democrat was a good candidate who ran on the strength of his message and not just on an anti-Trump platform.

His opponent didn't seem to have much going for him, and he still ran neck and neck.

Good candidates can win tough elections, and the message has to be one that resonates locally.

There are some issues that are good nationally but maybe not so good locally.

Its OK for the Democratic party to be diverse, but diverse is a two way street.

We need people who represent the working class people of middle America, the heartland who share the main principle of the Democratic party.

All people are deserving of respect and are entitled to have views.

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