Thursday, March 15, 2018

March Madness

The NCAA's men's basketball tournament really kicks off today and its full saturation until Sunday when only 16 teams will remain.

We will get to see and root for teams that really aren't equipped to compete with the major basketball colleges although with only 5 players you can see an exceptional performance by a small college player that sometimes pays off.

Just making the tournament is a great accomplishment for these schools and these programs and will help them recruit in the future.

Of course taking a bit of a break to focus on this March madness instead of the madness we see every day in the White House is a welcome break.

The latest madness is the probably successful effort to roll back the Dodd-Frank financial rules.

Was it really that long ago that we let the big financial institutions almost through us into a depression because of their unbridled greed?

They aren't going to be less greedy which is why we need some adult supervision.

I'm not saying Dodd-Frank was the best law ever passed, but I do know that we all saw the results of letting them go unregulated.

It wasn't pretty and having an oversight board to identify potential risks doesn't seem like an overly onerous burden.

Of course it has also been successful since banks are in fact making money without pushing us into a recession or depression.

I guess they don't want to ask permission before they take that big leap.  Unfortunately when they crash, we all get to pay.

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