Sunday, March 25, 2018

Next Election

We will see if in the next election the movements get out the vote.

Its actually hard to say what republicans have going for them at this point.

If you are n favor of smarter gun regulations you should vote democratic.

If you want to promote the rights of women to earn equal pay and not be harassed in the workplace you should vote democratic (yes some democrats were also harassers)

If you want to promote equality for people who have different sexual orientations you should vote democratic.

If you want to treat immigrant fairly and with respect, while of course enforcing reasonable immigration laws you should vote democratic.

If you want to make sure all Americans have access to affordable health care, vote democratic.

If you want to protect the environment and slow the impact of climate change, vote democratic.

If you want trade policies that really do put the American people first while offering our industries a fair chance to compete, vote democratic.

If you want to protect and improve our public schools instead of trying to privatize them, vote democratic.

If you want to see our drug laws reflect the world we live in and not the tactics of Asian dictators, vote democratic.

If you want to control foreign attacks on our system and protect our democracy, vote democratic.

The list goes on.

Republicans are generally on the wrong side of history for these issues while promoting an agenda (not actions) promoting smaller government and family values.

Look at what they actually do and decide.

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