Sunday, March 18, 2018

Snake Oil

Most Americans are decent people which is a good thing except at times it blinds them to non decent people trying to take advantage of them.

It was an all too familiar theme where the snake oil salesman cold make a pretty good living selling worthless concoctions to people will to accept his claims because he made them feel comfortable.

That is the essence of the con, make people feel connected to you and you have your foot in the door.

Now take the dontard.

He has never been honest, loyal or trustworthy.

He has cheated on all his wives including the present one.

He has declared bankruptcy multiple times, of course sheltering himself but hurting his investors.

He associated himself with a number of scam businesses including a "university" that bilked people out of their life savings.

His knowledge of business, as revealed in his books, is the same knowledge any salesman has, get the highest price you can for what you are peddling.

Word is that the Apprentice show really bailed him out financially.

Now he managed to convince many struggling Americans that he was their champion who was going to get them good paying jobs and open up those rusted factories.

His knowledge of these people is primarily based on TV shows which depict a certain type of lifestyle and of course his fondness for one particular network.

He is however showing his true colors and he is starting to lose the decent people who can only be fooled so long.

Time isn't on his side, the snake oil salesman had to get out of town before the townspeople got sick.

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