Friday, March 2, 2018

Tariffs we get to Pay

If you believe in free trade you simply think all tariffs are bad.

They increase costs and represent a tax on the consumer.

Now some would argue that they can be used strategically to protect a business which is starting up from foreign competition.  The logic is a start up company needs time to become competitive so it is in the nation's long term interests to give it a chance.

In such a case of course the tariffs would be temporary, only needed until they could compete equally.

Of course the tariffs announced yesterday are more politically motivated than economically motivated and are clearly problematic.

I guess to some extent it will result in some increase in steel and aluminum production in this country, assuming that the increases make our inefficient production competitive.

But it will drive up the price of consumer products that use the materials, either because the tariff increases the cost or we produce it inefficiently here.

Further, it is very likely other countries will react and impose tariffs on our goods, hurting our production and exports.

It is likely to introduce some inflationary pressure into our economy as the dotard's price increases get reflected in end products.

I haven't seen a single favorable economic analysis of these tariffs and it is possible that congress may very well try to reverse them.  Its probably not going to happen, instead we will see retaliation, more price increases, more inflation and ultimately less jobs.

What you get when you elect a dotard.

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