Saturday, March 31, 2018

Due Process and Fairness

I was watching a talk show yesterday where the guest talked about due process for accused sexual harassers.   A women on the panel said "Are we not supposed to believe the women?"

Well the answer is that of course each person can believe or not believe them, but the accusations have to be proven to either the civil or criminal levels, if the man disputes the account.

I realize we live in a society where men often abused their power over women.

It is also true that this wasn't always the case and not all men are guilty, not even all the men accused.

Am I saying that some of the women are lying?

Probably, or remembering the situation in a way that isn't exactly what happened.

People are generally self focused and often they think things are directed at them which actually aren't.

This is simply human nature since we all occupy the center of our universe we think everything around us concerns us.

It doesn't.

I read a story by a woman who claimed to be harassed many years ago while working on a movie set with a famous actor.  It wasn't physical harassment and it was fairly easy to see how all the things she perceived could easily have been simple banter.

Yes, you have to be there, but there's the rub.

An allegation of sexual harassment isn't a finding of guilt, it is an allegation.  Even if the facts are exactly as remembered, it might not rise to that level.

If we simply accept accusations as proof of guilt what does that mean for our society?

Certainly we should make it clear about what acceptable behavior is but everyone is entitled to their day in court.

Its only fair.

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