Sunday, April 1, 2018

White House Parrot

It is amazing how wrong the tweets issued by the Dontard can be, especially since he relies on a show that has little connection to real anything.

Its perfectly acceptable for people to voice opinions on a cable entertainment channel, we are in favor of free speech, but if you simply believe whatever they say, without realizing they are pushing certain agendas, well that's on you.

Amazon and the post office have agreements which are in the best interests of both companies.

Amazon because of its size can insert packages for delivery at the last stage, bypassing the rest of the mail distribution system, so the cost of delivery is much less than the average cost of a regular package.

Of course some commentators will compare the higher number to what Amazon pays and distort the deal, which is clearly helping reduce the post offices losses on its other services.

Naturally, instead of relying on any facts, the Dontard simply repeats bad information.

Similarly he attacks pardons given out in California by the Governor, relying on bad information.

This is just mean spirited as the people involved did obviously break the law, albeit years ago, but despite the fact that they served their time and were now law abiding the prior convictions made them subject to deportation.

The pardons make that less likely and allow them to pursue citizenship.

The Governor of the state gets to make this decision and who cares what the Dontard thinks about it?

He is really just a parrot about a lot of this anyways.

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