Friday, April 27, 2018


A lot of times we `act like someone else is supposed to solve our problems.

Unfortunately we need to take control more often than not.

Society and governments have a role to play and of course when we are children our parents have responsibilities, but as we mature the burden is really ours.

Too many seem to shirk responsibility and blame someone else for their problems.

If you didn't study hard in school, you have no one to blame but yourself.

If you didn't save for retirement, even when money was tight, well its your own fault.

If you bought things you couldn't really afford because you really wanted them, it was your own fault.

Its not like you weren't warned or told.

Our society has become one where personal responsibility is becoming a lost concept.

Everything is because we have an addiction, or some mental flaw that prevents us from doing what we should.

There is acceptable behavior and actions and unacceptable ones, and we are responsible to do the former.

Most of us are able to spot flaws in other people but ignore our own.

Take responsibility and things will get better.

We used to blame the devil for temptation, now we don't blame anyone.

Not sure that's progress.

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