Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Worst President Ever?

You wonder if in the history of this country if the presidency was ever held in lower regard than it is right now?

History tells us that Andrew Johnson was considered a bit uncultured, but he was also a war hero who represented the frontier.

We have had presidents, like say Grant, who was probably overly fond of drink and who had a number of scandals but  who was a hero of the Civil War.

Andrew Johnson almost got impeached, but that was because he wasn't hard enough on the south.

Clearly we had presidents who presided over financial crises, scandals and who also were known womanizers, but generally they had a record of some accomplishment either as president of before they became president.

The current occupant did host a reality TV show and was sort of a businessman, who got famous and sold his brand to a number of shady enterprises and presided over multiple bankruptcies.

Of course he also cheated on all his wives, including the current one, used racial profiling in his real estate business, has been nothing if not an opportunist in his political views, insults his opponents and is a well known liar.

Of course being president and commander in chief makes him a loose cannon to people abroad who undoubtedly think he's untrustworthy and sort of a clown, if admittedly a scary one.

His positions on almost everything are erratic and he somehow thinks building a wall will impact undocumented immigration, when clearly, it is already declining naturally.

One of the things about economics is that over time it corrects itself, meaning jobs go to where labor is cheap/

So that wasn't us and it did result in some pain that is unfortunate.  We are still however the richest country on the planet, at least for now.

We do however have the worse ever president I think.

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