Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Right now the Dreamers are in a state of limbo, seemingly forgotten about, at least in the media.

Of course the people live with the uncertainty and fears of not knowing if they can plan a future or if they have to face possible deportation to a place they probably don't remember and certainly don't know.

Imagine grabbing a teenage American and sending him to live in a foreign country, possibly with relatives, but no real roots.

Of course they would probably figure out something, we are as a species pretty adaptable, but it would be a cruel and inhumane thing to do.

There was a court decision that challenged the order abolishing the DACA program and said it was unconstitutional because it was vague.

Its not final and the thing about rulings like that is that they can be altered by reissuing the executive order with more rationale.

Still, we can't forget about the Dreamers or in fact about any of the undocumented people who are living in our country.

They aren't citizens but they still people trying to live their lives, support their families and be secure and happy.

I saw some interviews of voters in Arizona who speak as if the immigrants are stealing American jobs.

First, who are these unemployed Americans?

Second, do they even want the jobs performed by the undocumented immigrants?

Its a campaign message that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, but it apparently resonates with certain Americans who are either heartless or out of touch with economic reality.

Sad really.

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