Thursday, April 12, 2018

Republican Retirements

You see a rotation in the republican party where those who grew up in a party that believed in America are deciding they've had enough.

Good riddance, they mostly turned into hypocrites.

Forced to run an election supporting the ridiculous positions of the current administration is just too much to accept.

It should be noted that generally things in America continue to go reasonably well.

Of course we have problems, one of which is the amount of gun violence in this country, and we know that while companies are doing well the people at the top benefit far more than the workers, most Americans who want to be employed are.

Immigration isn't really any issue as much as some want to say it is, the great majority of documented and undocumented immigrants simply work and live like their neighbors to the extent possible.

We still have issues with our health care system and despite attacks on the Affordable Care Act, we see more people with coverage than before it existed.

Almost everything started under the last administration has helped the recovery along and the attempts by the current one to disrupt these initiatives are not very effectual, at least yet.

You see some of the uncertainty reflected in the way stocks have started behaving as potential trade and military conflicts cause uncertainty.

Of course we see that civil liberties for many Americans are taking a hit although the opposition of this administration to minorities and the LGBT communities isn't reflective of the broader views in America.

The real question is when will there be a tipping point?

Considering the expressed viewpoints of the millennial generation as well as the view of most of the rest of us, social progress in America is going to continue.

The last election was influenced by a series of events that will be unlikely to reoccur and the core supporters of our oligarch will be forced back under the rocks they generally live under.

They drove out the real republicans in so doing.

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