Friday, April 20, 2018

Troubled Democracy

We now live in a world where every fact seems to be viewed from a purely political viewpoint.

That is a bit of an exaggeration, maybe, it just seems that way.

When the rising temperature of the earth as measured by many organizations around the world becomes a political debate, we need to demand some sort of common sense.

Its not OK for black to be called white or up to be called down.

We are seeing a bit of a fight over some memos written by the FBI director.

The memo's are consistent with what we already knew and aren't really of much significance, although they provide a bit of a distraction for a time.

There are ongoing investigations over potential criminal and other activities that will eventually come to an end, but it is already guaranteed that there will be no agreement on the facts, which will be viewed politically.

Of course some will plead guilty, others will be found guilty and some will be exonerated.

In each case, there will be allegations of political influence, and those allegations will live on since we are no longer able to let these things play out in our system of justice.

Investigations that have ended are brought up again because the outcome wasn't what some wanted.

Allegations that have no basis in law are made by people who should at least try to know what they are talking about.

Of course it isn't going to end, in fact it seems to get worse.

It is unfortunately a symptom that our democracy is troubled when the institutions that should be respected become viewed as purely partisan political forums which serve no purpose.

History has many examples, we should pay attention.

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