Monday, April 16, 2018


We saw the ex-director of the FBI describe the current president of the United States as a liar who is morally unfit to be president and most of us said to ourselves, so?

The general attitude towards politicians in general and this one in particular is already so bad that a day in which there isn't an outright scandal is probably a good one.

Not sure if there is anything that politicians can do in the short term, but in the long term we need more regular people and less professional politicians in office.

I don't favor term limits but people should vote in new people who better represent the real world.

One of the factors that helped the dontard was that his opponent was viewed as part of the Washington establishment and he wasn't.

True, but he was a corrupt business and media person who represented the worst of both worlds.

In this country people often decide to be politicians as a career and work their way into office only to stay there unless they can move higher.

This isn't that different than what people do in regular careers except they are supposed to represent the people who vote for them, not cater to donors and special interests.

The way candidates are selected and the campaigns run strongly favor insiders, even if the insiders aren't crooked.

Insiders don't know what the people really are going through and who they hear from normally represent specific constituencies without much contact with the world most of us inhabit.

I think that with modern technology we would be better off if we could have more referendums, but I also realize that most people wouldn't know or care about the details of many important issues.

The solution of course is to have involved citizens who participate and vote.

Simple enough, but its been that way a long time.

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