Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Predictably Unpredictable

In what should be no surprise to anyone, the current administration is both ineffective and chaotic.

The number of people who come and go is setting records and because the dontard thinks the world revolves around him, his policies don't accomplish what he thinks they will.

Take his trade war with China.  China has been aggressive in growing certain industries and possibly some retaliatory actions were justified.  However, unilaterally announcing a set of tariffs that will create very few jobs and increase cost for everyone else is simply irrational.

Follow that up by a couple of rounds of retaliation and you are looking at destroying a lot of red state farm economies which will result in surplus commodities, expansion of competition in other countries and less exports.

Of course it may not go that far as, at least for now, cooler heads may prevail, but if he thinks the American farmer is willing to bite the bullet because the dontard says they should, well, he should think again.

We have cabinet members who in addition to being inept and unqualified are also trying to milk the taxpayer for everything they can.  The EPA director is the latest of them to be disclosed, but I suspect its pervasive.

He is now talking about undoing the compromise spending bill he recently signed because it increased spending.  DUH?

The estimates of the impact of the tax cuts with the spending bill are dire indeed and raise some issues about the future credit worthiness of the country.

His decision to announce a troop withdrawal in Syria may or may not have led to the chemical attack or the Israeli raid but its at least a little bit contributory.  What can he do now, its so complex it must be hurting his brain.

Meanwhile the FBI is raiding his attorneys office which he considers and attack on America.  No, America is rooting out potential obstruction.

Its likely he will lash out some more with additional unintended consequences, it may have already happened.  He's unpredictable, yet very predictable that way.

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