Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dueling Banjos?

We saw something of dueling events yesterday.

The Washington press corps held its annual self congratulatory dinner.

The dontard, unable to tolerate criticism, even as satire, gathered up a few thousand people and had his own rally.

I can't decide which one actually was more satirical.

The press corps can have all the dinners it wants, but just because there are a lot of them covering the Washington area, doesn't make them particularly important or anyone we should care about.

They may even be fairly clever and the jokes may or may not be funny, but the point of it is really a self congratulatory night out which I think they get reimbursed for, pretty sweet!

The other event was funny it its own right as we saw the Orange Julius of presidents talk about what a great job he is doing.

The crowd cheered as he listed how he is draining the swamp and fighting that very press corps which was celebrating back in Washington.

I could be wrong, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of the people were there because, well it was free, it was a bit of a freak show and they might get on TV if they were outrageous or ostentatious enough.

Some might be his true believers, but its pretty clear that most Americans are seeing his true colors by now, even those who think he is for some reason the best alternative.

Of course the chants that rang out at times were pretty clearly prompted, but that is the way things are done now-a-days, so that's simply part of the show.

I guess the reporters who had to cover that rally missed out on their free dinner back in DC.


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