Sunday, April 15, 2018

What's the Plan?

So we hit Syria with some missiles, doing damage to the places where they manufacture chemical weapons, and think that resolves it?

It really didn't accomplish much considering the fact that the Syrian Government has pretty much quashed most resistance and the need to use chemical weapons is probably not an urgent thing right now.

They also most likely have some in inventory.

The last time we had a president declare mission accomplished it led to a conflict that we are still engaged in.

This response isn't a solution, although its hard to have a solution without a plan.

What are we trying to accomplish in Syria, the middle east or the world in general?

Apparently if someone use chemical weapons on their own people we will react.

Everything else is OK?

The stated plan is America first, whatever that means.

Its also not a plan that is going to be appealing to our allies per se.

Despite statement by the dontard, it was always America first, although what that means is part of the problem.

We need to protect our citizens by reducing terrorism but what is the best strategy to do that?

We can try to guard everything but we know that's not really possible.

This is the anniversary of the Boston terrorist attack and that put pressure cookers in the cross hairs, although I'm sure there are other common items that can be turned into weapons.

Of course we have had the mass shootings, which weren't generally terrorist acts, but certainly could have been.

Guns are pretty readily available in much of this country.

We can play whack a mole or try to blame migrant workers for things they never did, but a real coherent plan is just beyond the capability of this administration, they can't keep team members on board long enough.

Its a pure crap shoot!

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