Tuesday, April 24, 2018


In the bible is the story of Joseph who interpreted Pharaoh's dream and advised him to store up grain during the 7 years of plenty to be used during the 7 years of famine.

It worked.

Its pretty sound economics.

Unfortunately it isn't followed frequently by many individuals and even fewer Governments.

The economy started to recover after the financial crisis and we saw the deficit shrink for a couple of years.

 We then elected the bankruptcy king who wants to spend more than we have while reducing income via tax cuts.

It sort of explains his numerous bankruptcies.

Now for most of my life the Democrats have been described as the tax and spend party, whether warranted or not.

The Republicans are now the don't tax but spend party apparently.

Its a degree of fiscal irresponsibility that is hard to fathom.

One of the things they pretend to believe is that big corporations or small businesses will create jobs if they get to keep more of the money they make.

That's not how the economy works.  You create jobs if the job is going to create more value than it costs you.  Just getting a windfall might allow you to do some projects that might create some jobs, but you aren't going to create jobs just because you have some extra cash.

Now you could create jobs with infrastructure projects and because the Government cut taxes they don't have the money to pay for them.  They are talking about public private partnerships, which have never worked tremendously well.

Its hard for a business owner to justify spending significant amounts of money on projects that benefit his competitors as much or more than they do his company.  Its poor money management.

Of course jobs are being created in areas where there are customers, like health care and some other service industries, but those were being created anyways.

Jobs would have been created if the tax cuts went to consumers who would have spent it creating demand.

We didn't do that.

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