Thursday, April 26, 2018


We seem to be developing a new relationship with the French, who not so long ago we considered barely friends.

Americans seem to have a somewhat distorted view of the French and admittedly, in this century they haven't been a truly dominant power.

Still they are a major economy and one of the leaders of the EU, especially with the departure of the UK.

Its a bit odd though that this president, considering his policies and followers would cozy up the French president.

This became sort of apparent when the speech he gave to congress pretty much was promoting policies this administration has opposed.

Still the thing with out dontard is that policy is secondary to him.

The fact that a foreign leader was willing to give him so much good press will go a long way with him.

It remains to be seen if this has much impact on the policies related to the Iranian Nuclear Deal or the trade agreements.

Still it might and maybe it will lead to a different policy related to the climate agreement which we withdrew from.

Probably not but making a vain man look good has a history of success.

Especially in France.

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